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About Al

Hi, I’m Al Gundy. Thank you for visiting my website.

As long as I can remember, I’ve been writing in rhyme and drawing cartoons. Since 2007 I’ve been performing my fun rhyming poems at live shows, mostly in the Boston area that I call home. It’s a grand old time, sharing my work, making friends, and honing my skills. I’m currently working on an illustrated collection of poems, a book I call “Al is in Wonderland.” I’m also looking forward to doing a live album recording. My biggest project is a serial pirate epic that I will record and release in the coming years.

Below this intro I’ll post some of the shorter poems from “Al is in Wonderland,” as well as other rhymes, toons, updates about my endeavors, and anything else I think you’ll enjoy. You’ll find news about shows in the sidebar on the right, and links to my social media above. And my long-running comic series, “Elo & Anson” is also here on the site.

Your pal,

Words With Friends!

Great photo of me performing my obscenely alliterative poem, “The Goods,” at the annual Cedar St. Art Party. Photo by Jon Beckley.